  1. Choose a manufacturer from Select Manufacturer.
  2. Choose a product from Select Product, then click ADD.
    You can add as many products as you need.
  3. To remove a product, click the X to the right of the entry.
  4. Once you are finished adding products, type a job name and email address where you would like to send this information.
  5. You can send to multiple emails by separating addresses by a comma (,) or colon (:).
  6. Click the Send Email button.

Job Name:

Email Report To:


Sending an email...

Select Manufacturer

Select Product


Brand Product POTTORFF Description Required Attributes

Print Pottorff Cross Reference Table by Product Group

Pottorff's cross reference program is for a general reference only. Please click on the Pottorff product link and review specifications to make sure it is correct for your project needs.